Is this the course for you?

Definitely! If you find yourself...

  • Unsure of where the time has gone

  • Overwhelmed by how much there is to do

  • Behind on things that normally don’t slip

  • Afraid to say NO and are always taking on more

  • Missing deadlines and forgetting about commitments

  • Feeling disorganized and behind

  • Without enough time to chase your dreams

  • So, so, tired

What You'll Gain From This Course

  • Increase Your Productivity

    Eliminate the things that bring no value to your life and create a space that inspires your best work.

  • Optimize Your Environment

    Stop relying on your willpower and instead set yourself up for guaranteed success.

  • Prioritize Effectively

    Learn to say no, focus on what matters, and crush your most important goals.

  • Boost Your Motivation

    Learn how you can generate higher levels of motivation by taking simple steps in the right direction.

  • Increase Focus

    Eliminate the distractions and increase the amount of time you spend in the zone.

  • Get Ahead

    Learn how to organize your calendar to achieve every goal you have.

This Course Is Right For You If...

  • You want to see lasting CHANGE

  • You love to LEARN

  • You are PASSIONATE about being productive and efficient

  • You have BIG dreams

  • You want actionable tips that you can take away TODAY

Course curriculum

Want even more details on what you'll find inside?

  • 1

    Welcome to your best life!

    • Does this sound like you?
    • Let me get to know you better!
  • 2

    Auditing your time: learning, analyzing, and changing where you spend your energy

    • What's the hold up? Understanding where you spend your time
    • Download Resource: Time Tracking Worksheet
    • Thinking Critically: Where Is The Most Room For Improvement?
    • Reflecting: Where Is Your Time Really Going?
    • Taking Action: Making Changes Of Impact
    • Taking Action: What Time Wasters Are You Eliminating?
  • 3

    Prioritizing Important Work

  • 4

    Time Blocking: Making Room For What Matters

  • 5

    Minimizing Distractions: How To Get Rid Of All The Noise So That You Can Be All In

  • 6

    Motivation: How To Create More Of It

    • Understanding The Bigger Picture
    • Creating Happiness Boosters
    • Activation Energy: The Easy Way To Just Do It
  • 7

    The End Of The Course

    • Congratulations!
    • More resources for you
    • Before you go...


It's not just the lessons that you get with this package. Included in the course are...

  • Community

    Everyone who participates in this course gains free access to the Move Your Mountains community, where we share practical strategies for achieving your dreams and living your best life.

  • Coaching Time

    You will get face to face time with me to help you cement the lessons into your daily life! Simply reach out via email at any point throughout the course and we can jump on a call together. $250 value!!

  • Downloadable Worksheets

    You'll get content that you can print out and work on! This is not a course where you walk away without having changed anything about your life! Beautiful designs keep your homework fun and inspiring. $50 value!

Live Your Best Life

Make the decision that YOU are worth investing in.